

Benefits of eating cucumber at night

In this blog post, we will look at the benefits of eating cucumber at night. You know that feeling, where you’re crawling into bed after a long day at work and all you can think about is how nice it’d be to hurl yourself face first onto the mattress? Yeah, well I’ve discovered the cure. […]

Different types of eyes

Did you know that there are different types of eyes ? Well, that’s true and in this short article we will show you everything you should know under this topic. The camera-style eye We’ll start with the primary type of eye – the camera-style eye. It has a transparent protective covering (which is usually part […]

How to keep eyes healthy   

How do you take care of your eyes? Let me tell you first How to keep eyes healthy And after that, I will introduce you to some foods having nutritional value for the eyes. As we all know eating fruit and vegetables is good for our health. So this time I want to introduce you […]

Preventing hair loss in men

In men, it’s called male pattern baldness and affects up to 80% of males at some point in their lives. In women, the same condition is referred to as female pattern hair loss and is less common. Other terms used are diffuse alopecia or alopecia androgenetica. This article gives tips of Preventing hair loss in […]

Weight loss tips for simple life hacks

There are several weight loss tips that can help you lose weight without really exercising. These simple life hacks are easy to do and will have a positive impact on your life. Eat Breakfast Every Day You should always eat breakfast every day and avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast. If you skip the most important […]

The best foods for your brain: a nutritionist’s top picks

Eating foods which are rich in nutrients that are good for your brain are not just the best way to improve your memory but also to ensure that you stay young. It’s no secret old people have trouble recalling where they put their keys, but what if there was a simple fix? There actually is […]

How to maintain self-care in a fast paced world

It is a common challenge to maintain self-care practices in a fast paced, easily distracted world. But it is possible to achieve this goal of caring for yourself by following these steps. You have to schedule time for yourself just like you would schedule any other important task or appointment–otherwise you will just keep getting […]

Weight-loss plans 2021

Weight-loss plans that may work for you in 2021

No doubt the year 2020 saw the unprecedented Coronavirus pandemic bring many unexpected challenges to the entire world. This virus has impacted everything we do from our health, the economy, and security. The stay-at-home restrictions with the consequent reality of making meals in our kitchens have presented a need to stay healthy more than ever […]