

What are NFT’s and how they are changing the world

The concept of “NFTs” has been often misunderstood by newcomers. I’m writing this article to clarify some misconceptions and inform you about the benefits of NFTs, so that your new favorite game doesn’t become your last due to lack of interest. so let’s discuss what are NFT’s and how they are changing the world. NFTs […]

What are the top 8 Bitcoins uses

The cryptocurrency gold rush has begun. Bitcoins are exchanging hands for hundreds of dollars each on popular online exchanges, one college graduate is already a millionaire off of bitcoin holdings , and more people are looking into cryptocurrency . So What are the top 8 Bitcoins uses. No matter what your motivation is, if you’re […]

What is bitcoin & how it works

In this article we look into what is bitcoin & how it works. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and a payment system invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, who published the invention in 2008 and released it as open-source software in 2009. The system is peer-to-peer; users can transact directly without needing an intermediary. Transactions are verified by […]

How to maintain hair locks

In this article we learn How to maintain hair locks. There are a few different types of locks. Some require minimal care and some require an intense daily routine to maintain their style and cleanliness. No matter what type you have, it’s important to stay on top of them if you want them to continue […]

Preventing hair loss in men

In men, it’s called male pattern baldness and affects up to 80% of males at some point in their lives. In women, the same condition is referred to as female pattern hair loss and is less common. Other terms used are diffuse alopecia or alopecia androgenetica. This article gives tips of Preventing hair loss in […]

Weight loss tips for simple life hacks

There are several weight loss tips that can help you lose weight without really exercising. These simple life hacks are easy to do and will have a positive impact on your life. Eat Breakfast Every Day You should always eat breakfast every day and avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast. If you skip the most important […]

The Metaverse: How It Will Change the World

We are on the brink of a major change in the way we interact with the world. The metaverse is coming, and it will change everything. This virtual reality universe will allow us to experience life in ways that were once impossible. We will be able to travel to other planets, visit ancient civilizations, and […]

The best foods for your brain: a nutritionist’s top picks

Eating foods which are rich in nutrients that are good for your brain are not just the best way to improve your memory but also to ensure that you stay young. It’s no secret old people have trouble recalling where they put their keys, but what if there was a simple fix? There actually is […]