Help your company deliver its big data strategies successfully


Help your company deliver its big data strategies successfully

Let’s look at some types of technology that will help your company deliver its big data strategies successfully

The data warehouse

First is a type of technology that’s been around for year is the data warehouse. For almost as long, this has been a valuable resource that allows organizations to store vast amounts of information in an organized fashion.

In fact, it’s one of the most important types of infrastructure in the modern enterprise and will continue to be so beyond big data. However, it has limitations; most notably its inability to act fast enough for faster-moving companies. The time required to process requests is too long for most big data needs.

The Hadoop

Second is Hadoop, which will be the foundation of enterprises’ big data strategies. This open source platform allows you to store and quickly analyze information in seconds. By providing a scalable processing structure while speeding up the data workflow, it’s being adopted by many companies for their big data initiatives.

However, it falls short in a few areas. Delimiting and defining its workflows can be difficult, to say nothing of finding the right tools that will work with it. It also struggles with complex processing requirements.

The cloud

The third infrastructure type is the cloud, which will provide a range of big data services away from the company’s premises. This can include data storage and processing, but also other tools such as business intelligence, analytics and visualization. It allows you to get what you need quickly while not being bound by your own hardware or software resources.

However, it’s still in the early stages of development with regard to big data. The tools offered are limited and many organizations will need a long time before they’re comfortable enough with cloud-based services for this purpose.

A strong combination of these three types of technology will be the best way forward for most companies. They’ll all play their part in allowing you to turn your big data initiatives into a successful business reality. 

However, it’s vital not to get carried away with tools and methods that have been made available just because of the current hype surrounding big data. This includes Hadoop, even though its capabilities are impressive.

The implication is that you need to make sure your big data strategy has its foundations in reality and will allow you to get the most out of it. This begins with understanding how each of these three tools and methods can help and then working out which combination will work best for your company’s particular needs. By doing this, you’ll be setting yourself up for success in the long term.

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