Benefits of Spin Cycling


Benefits of Spin Cycling

Spin cycling is a low-impact exercise on a stationary bike. It has become a booming fitness trend in the workout industry and rightly so.  It can be undertaken conveniently in the comfort of one’s home, especially during winter.

The State of Fitness report in 2022 evidences that 32.6% of respondents opted for indoor cycling in comparison to the 20.2% in 2020. This exercise was further propelled by the COVID-19 pandemic which shifted the gym industry, prompting people to opt for more isolated ways of keeping fit.

Spin cycling like many workouts has profound health benefits. The following are just but a few;

Effective Regime For Weight Loss

Spin cycling like most aerobic workouts is a great way to cut down on body fat. On average, a typical spin session should have approximately 400-600 calories burned. Spinning increases one’s general body fitness leading to an active lifestyle. Additionally, a combination of spinning and a low-calorie diet is a perfect recipe for losing weight.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

This workout strengthens the heart muscles by working them to pump blood throughout the circulatory system at a much faster rate.Furthermore, there is an overall reduction in the risk of heart disease and blood pressure complications.

 A ResearchGate publication showcases that indoor cycling has been used to train patients in rehabilitation following myocardial infarction (heart attack). The study highlights spinning as a safe alternative for people suffering from cardiac diseases.

Low-Impact Exercise

The spin cycle needs you to look no further if searching for a low-impact exercise. While spinning, one places no strenuous pressure on joints. As a result, most elderly people susceptible to knee, ankle, and hip strains can safely get their physical activity done.

Orthopedic rehabilitation also employs spinning to address some pains and strains. The low-impact nature of spinning makes it suitable for rehabilitative purposes. Spinning reduces pain in the knees, for instance, by strengthening the muscles surrounding the knee. Additionally, it improves the flexibility and range of motion of the injured knee therefore reducing the strain.

Boosts Mental Health

Spinning enhances mental health in several ways. Firstly, it is a great way to relieve stress. Physical activity has proven time and again to boost the body’s production of endorphins, a feel-good hormone. Moreover, spinning while listening to music can be very relaxing after a long day.

The indoor cycling sessions in the gym are meant to be fun as each individual tries to push their body to the limit. Undertaking the activity in a group can boost resilience as members motivate each other to keep going, in the process a feeling of belonging is firmly formed.

Strengthens The Core

Spinning exercises mostly target the lower body and effectively engage the core. Holding the body in an upright posture while spinning gradually strengthens the core muscles. Resultantly, the overall body posture as well as core strength is improved.

Although spinning is a great way to keep fit and healthy, it also has its downsides. These are inclusive of:

  • Muscle pain
  • Strains in pelvic and tailbones
  • Reduced bone density
  • Monotony in workout

Spinning has been made increasingly popular by a few celebrities who have made it prominent in their fitness lifestyles for example Vanessa Hudgens. It is a great way to let loose and exercise comfortably, whether at home or in the gym.

