Mwea Mpesa agent innovates a Money Sanitizer Machine.

Currency sanitizer

Mwea Mpesa agent innovates a Money Sanitizer Machine.

Danson Wanjohi, an M-Pesa Agent in Mwea in Kirinyaga County, constructed a money-sanitizing machine. This creative invention comes in quite handy to curb the risk of spreading the coronavirus. The ministry of health had earlier recommended that Kenyans use cashless modes of payment to prevent the virus. 

Wanjohi thought of this brilliant idea about two weeks ago when discussing the risk of getting COVID-19. The agent stated that due to the variety of customers he deals with, it is difficult to determine where the money he exchanges with them comes from or has passed through. “He could be on the shamba (farm), and the person who paid him is from Thika, and you never know where the person who also paid him is from; Wanjohi said.

Wanjohi thought that coming up with a machine would be a great way to protect him and his customers from the coronavirus. The device is a simple gadget that sanitizes the money which passes through its rubber bands pushed by gears. Wanjohi used various materials to make this machine, including rubber bands, plastic, wood, a motor, rubber bands, and gears.

 The m-pesa agent stated that his money agent business had taken the hit from the onset of the corona pandemic. Some of his customers have appreciated his invention and are patient to get an excellent service. Others are not as enthusiastic, and in a rush, so Wanjohi asks them to go to other nearby money agents. 

Although there has been no single coronavirus case diagnosed or reported from Kirinyaga County, Wanjohi says that his invention is timely, as money is the weakest link in curbing covid-19. Cash goes through several hands and may travel across counties when giving change and in other business transactions. 

The ingenious team plans to roll out more money-sanitizing machines to aid other money agents in the area too. They said that they have run out of materials such as the switch, which regulates speed to enable swift sanitizing. Their primary challenge now is getting adequate funds to get more materials and produce the machines in bulk.