The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics has released the August 2019 population census results.
The Kenya 2019 population census results reveal that the country has approximately 47 564 296 citizens.
This was a 26.26% growth since 2009 when the KNBS recorded the country’s population at 37.7 million
Of the 47, 564 296 people who were counted, 24, 014, 716 are females while 23, 548, 056 million are male.
According to the report, Kenya has about 1524 people of the intersex nature. The growth rate among this group has gone down from 2.9 % in 2009 to 2.2 % in 2019
The female gender accounts for 50.5 % of the country’s total population
And which is the most populous county ? Well, Nairobi has the highest number with 4, 394, 073 people. Other populous counties are Kiambu, Nakuru Kakamega and Bungoma.
Counties with the least number of people are Taita Taveta, Samburu, Isiolo, Lamu and Tana River.
While the average household was captured at 4.2% in the 2009 exercise, it had declined to 3.9 % in the current report.
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