Best Kenyan Cyphers: List of best Kenyan Hiphop Cyphers

Kenyan cyphers

Best Kenyan Cyphers: List of best Kenyan Hiphop Cyphers


In the vibrant tapestry of Kenyan music, hip-hop has carved out its own space, with cyphers being a cornerstone of the genre. These collaborative performances, where a group of rappers showcase their individual talents in rapid-fire succession, have become a crucial element of the Kenyan hip-hop scene. In this blog post, we’ll explore what a cypher is, celebrate the passionate hip-hop community in Kenya, and present a curated list of some of the best Kenyan cyphers that every hip-hop enthusiast should tune into.

What is a Cypher?

A cypher, in the context of hip-hop, refers to an informal gathering of rappers, beatboxers, and other hip-hop artists who engage in freestyle rap battles or collaborative performances. It is an organic and spontaneous form of expression, where artists showcase their lyrical prowess, flow, and creativity. The goal is to create an atmosphere of unity and competition, allowing each participant to shine while contributing to the overall energy of the cypher.

Kenyan cyphers

Kenya boasts a passionate and growing hip-hop community that embraces the rich diversity of the genre. From the bustling streets of Nairobi to the serene landscapes of Kisumu, hip-hop culture has permeated the nation, providing a platform for artists to express themselves and connect with audiences. Kenyan hip-hop lovers appreciate the authenticity, storytelling, and social commentary that characterize the genre, making it an integral part of the country’s cultural landscape.

List of Kenyan Cyphers worthy to listen to:

TK Cypher

Kenyan rap cypher

The Number one

Khaligraph Cypher

Underdogs drill cypher


Earn in Africa

Underdog drill cypher 3

Khali cartel III

Khali Cartel II

Kenyan cyphers exemplify the raw talent, creativity, and unity within the local hip-hop scene. As we’ve explored some of the best cyphers, we invite hip-hop enthusiasts to delve into these electrifying performances and witness the dynamic spirit of Kenyan hip-hop. The lyrical prowess, unique styles, and collaborative energy showcased in these cyphers are a testament to the thriving hip-hop culture in Kenya. So, grab your headphones, turn up the volume, and immerse yourself in the world of Kenyan cyphers.

Forex trading

Understanding your brain function for successful trading

Trading dates back to the pre-historic times where people exchanged goods and services in a gift economy before the innovation of the modern currency. Evidence of currency trading appeared in ancient Egypt around 259 BC, and by the close of the middle ages, currencies were already being traded through the early generation of international banks. This blog post talks about Understanding your brain function for successful trading.

Whether stock, forex or otherwise, trading is the backbone of our economic mainstay, and we are all involved whether you know it or not.

However, you require many skills to trade in the financial markets successfully. These include the unique abilities to assess a company’s fundamentals to find grounds to tell the direction of a stock’s trend.  

But, important as these technical skills are, the more critical element is the trader’s mindset.

Maintaining discipline, checking emotions, and strategic thinking are the key components of what may rightly be called trading psychology. 

The trader’s mindset

Conclusive research and studies have shown that a human brain is a single unit with the left and right hemispheres. These two spheres are critical whenever you are engaged in any activity that involves doubt, uncertainty and risk.

In trading, the two units most probably work to counter one another, all to your disadvantage.

Typically, both present uniquely different attributes to the trader’s mind where one is appreciated while the other is regarded with virtual indifference.

Apparently, in modern times, logic and reason, which comprise the left brain, is appreciated and celebrated, but the emotional and intuitive right hemisphere is ignored.  

You must have heard statements like “stop being emotional “or “I think I got too emotional “or “keep emotions out of this”.

This attitude is mistaken because both hemispheres work interdependently to shape the overall trader’s perspective.

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To make matters worse, schooling in modern trading is tailored to present logic and reason (the left hemisphere) as the only brain instrument to leverage in analysis and trade executions.

Tutors and mentors will categorically say things like, “remain level headed and think objectively…keep emotions out of the way.”

At this stage, the question we need answers for is, “is this trading paradigm or school of thought working?”.

Certainly not!

Some of the most experienced traders (recognized for their knowledge, logic and reasoning) are constantly executing trades from a mind ravaged by the emotions of fear or greed, which culminates in impulse trading, revenge trading or over-trading.

Clearly, there is a big problem that everyone is unwilling to confront and instead sweep it under the carpet.

Despite the relentless efforts to ignore the emotional impact on trading quality (refusing to recognize that both hemispheres are critical in trading), lack of emotional intelligence in one’s skillset keeps manifesting every time poor decisions are made.

Such poor decisions and failures in trading won’t go away until you understand your emotional nature. And learn how to factor it into your practice.

What do the left and right brain hemispheres mean to trading performance?

While you are looking at the charts and evaluating the action potential, your right and left brain hemispheres are at work whether you know it or not.

Naturally, though, your main focus is on the left brain, which represents you more proactively. But as mentioned earlier, your right brain is equally active at any level of engagement.

When a trader is relaxed, calm and patient, it is easy to imagine that their emotional component is mute and inactive.

However, most of the time, the right hemisphere (emotional mind) is actively scanning for emerging threats and opportunities below your levels of awareness.

A threat could be a clear signal alerting the trader that a setup is forming.

And, yes! 95 % of your trading decisions are processed below this threshold of awareness, only that you overlook the intuitive process.

Of course, the emotional (right hemisphere) is not wired to think like its logical counterpart. Therefore, the course of your decision making is accustomed to assuming that it is not around. Yet, it actively does its job in the background as it complements the logical/reasoning mind accordingly.

The emotional and logical minds are like the two sides of a coin or, better still, co-joined twins sharing a heart. An absence or malfunction of one hemisphere can amount to a severe flaw in one’s mental performance.

The integrated or combined Trading Mind

A close examination of the left and right hemispheres of the brain makes it hard for anyone to believe that traders always seek to utilize half their brains.

The right hemisphere is quite extensive. Actually, it is half the brain’s size, yet most people tend to ignore its massive influence in times of trading anxiety.

It is no wonder that most traders who subscribe to this school of thought end up in a pool of failure.

Naturally, though, both brain hemispheres are integrated into one functioning unit by a communications network called the (corpus colosseum)

This integration confirms that both hemispheres have to coordinate to prepare the brain for trading.

The emotional brain evolved way earlier than the logical brain, and it was built with a tendency to control or manage outcomes in short term survival situations. But then you realize that this is a big challenge because, in trading, you have to forsake the illusion of control to succeed.

Even when proven wrong, the emotional brain agitates to remain correct, and it goes on to predict outcomes. Apparently, every time you sit before your computers to trade, you trigger these inbuilt biases instinctively.

This is why emotional intelligence is crucial for any trader aspiring to build a mind to manage uncertainty.

You must learn to manage your emotional brain function and use it effectively to develop a mind that trades strategically. Otherwise, you will continue being sabotaged by the weaknesses of the right hemisphere’s limbic brain.

The limbic brain leans towards controlling the outcome, yet it cannot distinguish between a biological threat and psychological stress.  It is primarily designed to trigger the fight or flight response from the Sympathetic Nervous System.

Therefore, if it is put under pressure without any training, you are likely to run into issues like

  • Trade entry problems
  • Impulsive trades
  • Taking premature profits
  • Overconfidence, which may disappoint
  • Crumbling down when a trade goes against you 

To succeed in trading, your emotional brain must trust the thinking brain. Trust that your thinking brain will understand how to leverage emotion to develop an overall mind that works for successful trading.

Jack ma missing

Jack Ma is missing

Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba and Ant Group has gone missing

According to the Independent UK, the Chinese e-commerce mogul has not been seen publicly for more than two months

The Business Insider also reported Jack Ma’s absence saying he has been missing ever since he criticized China’s financial regulatory system at a conference in Shanghai.

In his critique, the business man singled out the Communist nation’s banking system and called for reforms.

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Speculations about his whereabouts spread after he failed to appear in the final episode of ‘Africa’s Business Heroes,’ which is part of the Jack Ma Foundation.

In this show, 10 promising African entrepreneurs are given combined $1.5m (£1.09m) grant for their ideas where he is usually part of the judges.

Some people have also noticed that his Twitter account hasn’t tweeted anything for almost three months now, his last post is on 10th October 2020.

More recently, the Chinese authorities have been tightening the grip on the once unbridled empire of the tech tycoon.

family movies 2021

The best family movies 2021

Watching movies as a family is one of the greatest ways to spend a weekend night together. It is a convenient and inexpensive means of a family to come together and bond. However, not all movies can be viewed by younger audiences due to the age restrictions pertaining to violence, language or sexual content to mention a few. Not to worry though, here is a curated list of 8 high rated movies that will make huddling in front of the screen as a family an experience to live for.

A Boy Called Po (2016)

In this film, an overworked engineer struggles to care for his autistic son, Po, after his wife dies of cancer. Besides having to make ends meet, Mr Wilson must find a way to connect with a son who regresses to the fantasy world in response to bullying. The drama surrounding the father-son relationship will certainly create a challenge to the household in the wake of hardships, making it an excellent family movie.

A Dog’s Purpose (2017)

It is said that cats have nine lives but, in this film, we get to witness the several lifetimes of a dog as it journeys in a bid to discover its life’s purpose. This film delivers an air of comedy-drama and adventure that will certainly transport its audience to a world of fantasy.

Goodbye, Christopher Robin (2017)

A slight spin-off from the much-loved Winnie the Pooh, this biographical drama takes the audience back in time to showcase the lives of the show’s creator, A. A. Milne and his family.

Hello, Dolly! (1969)

Nothing beats a family weekend than a romantic comedy musical film. This Broadway production caters to the audience’s demand by interweaving romance and comedy into a musical that will have a family singing along.

It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963)

Yet another classic comedy, this film features a diverse and colourful group of strangers hell-bent on a treasure chase. It begins at a massive traffic jam caused by a reckless driver who informs an assembly of bystanders about buried money. Drama and comedy escalate as all the motorists set out to find the money.

The Call of the Wild (2020)

Another movie featuring a dog as the main character, this blissful drama takes makes the audience view the world through a buck’s eye as it tries to find a place it belongs. The perilous journey that buck goes through makes for an emotional experience that will make a family huddle together.

The Greatest Showman (2017)

Filled with vibrant comedy and drama, this film also showcases a struggling showman and father who struggles to keep his circus business afloat. The family experienced that the children work together with their father to keep the family business running.

The Iron Giant (1999)

This animation takes the audience through a young boy’s friendship and an alien robot as they struggle to escape the government. The film is a concerto of emotional themes as the creators take the audience through a heartbreaking yet heartwarming journey of the boy and his robot friend.

Simon Birch (1998)

Among the most long-lasting and impactful relationship is childhood friendship as is showcased in this film adaptation of A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. The film takes the audience through the nostalgic memories of Joe Wentworth.

The Young and Prodigious T.S. Spivet (2013)

This film showcases the drama-filled quest of a ten-year-old budding scientist and cartographer T.S. Spivet. Spivet is on a mission to escape his mundane existence in the family’s farm after receiving a letter from the Smithsonian Institution informing him about a prize and a speech he is to deliver.

Weight-loss plans 2021

Weight-loss plans that may work for you in 2021

No doubt the year 2020 saw the unprecedented Coronavirus pandemic bring many unexpected challenges to the entire world.

This virus has impacted everything we do from our health, the economy, and security. The stay-at-home restrictions with the consequent reality of making meals in our kitchens have presented a need to stay healthy more than ever before in our lives.

If you are keen on maintaining a healthy body in these challenging times, we have selected some recommended weight loss plans by nutritionists, which may work for you in 2021. Please keep reading for more information on how to actualize it.

Important factors to consider

  • A weight loss program should be designed to work for you.
  • It must conveniently fit your lifestyle and food preferences, thus enabling long-term success.
  • Research-based programs are effective for weight loss.
  • The weight-loss plan should incorporate other healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular physical activity and mindful eating.

Embrace a plant-based diet

Plant-based diets are distinguished especially for their richness in fiber. Examples of plant-based foods are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which are resistant to digestion. Fiber helps to keep you full between meals, thereby promoting weight loss.

Studies indicate that plant-based diets are more effective for weight loss compared to conventional diets. Uptake of a plant-based diet leads to greater blood sugar control, cholesterol levels, and inflammation.

Various plant-based diets do not reject meat or animal products entirely. Such foods, therefore, are only enjoyed in moderation.

Consider a Mediterranean diet.

A comprehensive Mediterranean diet includes:

  • Plenty of fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Proteins and healthy fats

The Mediterranean diet came from the eating habits of such countries as Italy, Spain, and Greece. Various studies have proven that following the Mediterranean Diet could lead to weight loss.

Read also: A brief history of global pandemics leading to the coronavirus disease

 Move to a vegetarian diet.

Did you know that embracing a vegetarian diet can also be an easy way to enhance weight loss?

Some studies have established that people who followed a vegetarian diet lost considerably more weight than those who followed non-vegetarian diets over an average of 18 weeks.

It has been established that plant-based protein sources, e.g., canned beans, lentils, tofu, and tempeh, are also a cost-effective alternative to meat, poultry, and seafood.

Be aware of emotional eating.

COVID-19 related stress, which characterized 2020, caused some people to turn to food for comfort!

Indulging in your favorite comfort food may be soothing in the short-term. In the long run, however, this can lead to weight gain.

Identifying any mindless snacking or grazing that could be preventing weight loss should become a priority for anyone desirous of keeping and maintaining good health in the year 2021.

Intermittent Fasting (IF)

Although there are many styles and variations of Intermittent Fasting, IF mostly entails restricting food intake for between 14–24 hours at a time.

Studies have shown that IF increases weight loss akin to cutting calories, even as it may also boost fat-burning.

Adjust your working environment

With the COVID-19 pandemic “new normal” spilling well into 2021, remote working and the kitchen’s constant temptation could make it difficult to curb impulsive eating, leading to weight gain.

Expert advice is to focus on the changes to your home environment, supporting your weight loss goals.

 Some questions to this effect can help:

  • What is the first thing you see when you open the fridge?
  • Is it tempting to take-out food or a container of washed and cut veggies?

 It would be prudent to store baked goods in the freezer, or at least out of sight.

Do small workouts throughout the day.

Keep-fit instructors affirm that short bursts of exercise during the day keep your energy up and help burn a few added calories.

Every couple of hours should stand up, do some stretches, run in place, do some jumping jacks or push-ups.

Get enough hours of sleep every night.

Research has established that when you don’t get enough sleep, Leptin’s production, which is a hunger-suppressing hormone, decreases. Conversely, the production of Ghrelin, a hormone that increases hunger levels, rises!

This means that you are biologically setting yourself up to want to eat more by sleeping less. It is advisable to get 7-9 hours of sleep every night.

Getting adequate sleep, therefore, is not an option if you desire to gain weight loss!


If you have some underlying health conditions or are under medication, it is critical to talk to a healthcare professional before embarking on a weight-loss program or making changes to your diet.

pierre cardin dead

Everything you should know about fashion icon Pierre Cardin

Icon Pierre Cardin, the renown Italian born French designer passed away on December 29th 2020, leaving a huge, seemingly unfillable gap in the fashion industry. The 98-year-old legend leaves behind a massive avant-garde legacy that permeates the fashion and vehicle industry

Early life

Cardin was born in Treviso, Italy to Maria Montagner and Alessandro Cardin, wealthy landowners who had to escape to France due to the political unrest that gripped the country. Cardin‘s passion for clothes begun when he was still young.

At fourteen, he worked as a clothes apprentice to learn the basics of fashion design and construction to satisfy his father’s wishes of being an architect. In 1945, Cardin moved to Paris to study architecture while also working with the fashion house of Paquin, thus launching his career in the fashion industry.


While at the fashion house of Paquin, Cardin mingled with the renowned designers of that time such as Elsa Schiaparelli. In 1947, he became the head of tailleure atelier at Christian Dior even though he was denied a position at Balenciaga.

With his confidence gained while mingling with the world-famous designers, Cardin would launch his own fashion house in 1950. However, his reputation as an acclaimed designer came when he designed costumes for a masquerade ball at Palazzo Labia in Venice, hosted by Carlos de Beistegui.


Cardin’s fashion empire Transcends the runway to include perfumes, foods, industrial design, real estate, entertainment and even fresh flowers. Among his famous designs is the bubble dress that he launched in 1953. It is a short-skirted dress shaped like a bubble made by bias-cutting over a stiffened base.

In the 1960s, Cardin shifted from women’s fashion to men’s, starting with neckties and then shirts followed by a menswear fashion line comprising suits, jackets, pants, and accessories. Besides being a renowned figure in the western Fashion sphere, Pierre Cardin penetrated the Asian fashion scene in Japan and China.

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Cardin also maintains a reputation in the space and automotive industries. After visiting NASA in the 1970s where he tried on Neil Armstrong’s spacesuit, Cardin fell in love with the suit that he was inspired to create his own design for the company.

He also developed thirteen basic industrial design themes applied in the automotive industry. Through this, he was able to launch partnerships with the American Motors Corporation (AMC).

His designs were incorporated into the AMC Javelin then launched in the early 1970s. These would be described as the wildest fabrics and patterns ever to brandish an American car

Even though Cardin carved a reputation for himself in the fashion industry, his greatest achievement is his branding. Through trademark licensing that involves rights tradeoffs, Cardin was able to receive hefty royalties that supported his company.

Through this, the company generated between $35 million and $45 million worldwide as of 1991. As of 2019, the company’s retail sales at approximately $114 billion in the US and Canada alone. With these huge achievements, Pierre Cardin’s mark in the fashion industry shall live on forever.

Who is Santa Claus?

Who is Santa?

Santa Claus is a legendary character originating in Western Christian culture. He is believed to make lists of children and gifting them according to their behavior. Preferably, he brings the gifts toys and candy on Christmas Eve to well-behaved children.

Where is Santa believed to reside?

Santa’s workshop is believed to be at the North Pole. He is said to accomplish the delivery of gifts with the aid of his elves, who make the toys in his and flying reindeer who pull his sleigh through the air.

What’s the origin of Santa & Christmas?

Santa Claus is also known as Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick or Father Christmas.

The modern character of Santa is based on traditions surrounding the historical Saint Nicholas.

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Saint Nicholas was a Greek Christian Bishop in Myra at around 4th-century. Nicholas was famous for gifting the poor. Nicholas was very religious from an early age and devoted his life entirely to Christianity.

How does he look like?

Santa Claus is presented as a white-bearded man with a large port belly. He also wears spectacles – and a very jolly face. He also wears

  • a red coat with white fur collar and cuffs
  • white-fur-cuffed red trousers
  • red hat with white fur
  • black leather belt and boots bag full of gifts

How did his image come about?

Santa’s image became popular in the United States and Canada due to the influence of the 1823 poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas” in the 19th century. A political cartoonist Thomas Nast also played a role in the creation of Santa’s image. This image has been maintained and reinforced through main stream media.

Best Christmas movies 2020

Finally, Christmas for the year 2020 is here with us after one of the most anxious years. All over the world, Christmas is marked by jovial family re-unions, erection of Christmas trees and the willing exchange of gifts. In the past few years, though, the season has turned into big business for those in the Christmas TV movie business. You must have realized that in the recent years, movie makers have been competing to release movies around the Christmas theme

Read also: Who is Santa?

Below are a few Christmas movies that you can enjoy with your family this Christmas:

The Christmas Chronicles 2

Teenager Kate Pierce is reunited with Santa Claus when a mischief-maker threatens to cancel x-mas

Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey

Many years after his intern betrays him, the once jovial toy maker sees fresh hope after seeing his granddaughter at his doorstep

Operation Christmas Drop

Erica Miller, the congressional aide disagrees with Captain Andrew Jantz after landing at the beachside Air base. The clash is all about the captain’s pet project- Operation: Christmas Drop

Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square

An angel visits a woman who has advanced plans to auction a city without considering the welfare of the people who dwell there

Midnight at the Magnolia

Local radio hosts jack and Maggie (longtime friends) act out as a couple hoping that such a move would get their show nationally syndicated

A California Christmas

 A wealthy charmer whose care-free lifestyle is at stake poses as a ranch hand so that a diligent farmer could sell her family’s piece of land before Christmas